Monday, April 18, 2011

Why Choose Eternal Life?

One of the "great" reasons to be a Christian is the gift of Eternal Life. But, why would anyone choose to have Eternal Life? In my questioning, I have realized that I don't want Eternal Life.

Reason 1: What's the point?
If I'm to be around forever and ever, then why would I bother to do anything at all? Everything could just wait till the next day, or the next week, year, century, etc.

Reason 2: Everything would lose all meaning.
As stated above, everything could just wait, and therefore everything would lose meaning. Without time constraints, you won't have goals or objectives. You won't take the time to "smell the roses" because you know they, and you, will be around next year.

Reason 3: No point.
If everything is meaningless there is no point to being there. Hence, why I would not ever want the "gift" of Eternal Life.

So what then?
As for any afterlife, I'm still thinking on that. I kind of like the idea of reincarnation, but it's just a matter of defining it. I will definately be discussing this topic in later posts.

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